Beverage Industry
Honest Kids

Honest Tea revamps Kids line

September 21, 2012

Bethesda, Md.-based Honest Tea, a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, unveiled its reformulated Honest Kids “fruit-juice sweetened” line of beverages. All five varieties of the juice pouches have been reformulated to remove the organic cane sugar and increase the juice content. Honest Kids beverages now have between 30 and 42 percent juice, an increase by 12 to 26 percentage points, depending on the variety. Nutritionally, the drinks remain at 40 calories for each 6.75-fluid-ounce pouch.

“Honest Kids has experienced dramatic growth to the point where it is almost a third of our business,” said Co-founder and TeaEO Seth Goldman in a statement. “We are excited we found a way to deliver the same not-too-sweet taste by sweetening the drinks only with fruit juice.”

Additionally, the graphics on Honest Kids pouches and cartons have been updated to feature fruit photography to emphasize the flavors in each variety through a clean, simple look that is similar to Honest Tea and Honest Ade labels, the company says.

The Honest Kids “fruit-juice sweetened” line of beverages also will be available in a new, 59-ounce multi-serve bottle designed for home consumption.

“We received numerous requests from parents who wanted a larger package for families to enjoy at home,” Goldman said in a statement.

The five Honest Kids varieties are Berry Berry Good Lemonade, Goodness Grapeness, Tropical Tango Punch, Super Fruit Punch and Appley Ever After. The 8-pouch cartons will debut in natural food stores in October and in grocery stores nationwide starting January 2013. Three varieties – Berry Berry Good Lemonade, Super Fruit Punch and Goodness Grapeness – will be available in the multi-serve bottles launching during the same time period.