Beverage Industry

InterBev Collaborates With Worldwide Food Expo

July 1, 2006
InterBev Collaborates With Worldwide Food Expo

The American Beverage Association and the international Dairy Foods Association will promote each other’s trade shows, InterBev 2006 and Worldwide Food Expo 2007, the associations have announced. The groups will host pavilions at one another’s show, offer exclusive programming and promote the events to their membership.
“We believe the rhythm of InterBev and WWFE in alternate years gives ABA members an annual opportunity to keep pace with new beverage introductions and technology innovations,“ says ABA President Susan Neely.
InterBev organizers also recently announced former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge will address “America in the 21st Century — Prosperity and Security” at the show to be held Oct 23 - 25 at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas.
In addition, the Coca-Cola Bottlers Association and the Coca-Cola Mainstream Bottlers will both hold their association meetings in conjunction with the InterBev show. The CCBA, the Pepsi-Cola Bottlers Association, Coca-Cola Bottlers Sales & Services and PepsiCo Global Procurement have reserved space on the exhibit floor.
The American Beverage Association reacquired the InterBev show last December, and under the theme “Let the Sales Pour In,” has planned an event targeted toward manufacturers, packagers and distributors of soft drinks, bottled water, juice and any other type of non-alcohol or alcohol beverage. Conference programming is designed to appeal to owners and operators of bottling facilities, plant managers, engineers, quality assurance managers and production supervisors. Exhibits will feature machinery, equipment and supplies that represent supplier innovations and new technologies. In addition, the show planners say there will be opportunities for beverage processors seeking distribution.
The ABA has selected an advisory committee comprising producers and suppliers to ensure the show’s content is “highly relevant and reflective of the marketplace it serves.” Programming will feature five educational tracks — General Management, Trends, Logistics, Plant Design and Formulation — and has allowed for conflict-free hours for attending both conference programs and exhibitions. The show floor at the Sands Expo Center will cover 40,000 to 50,000 square feet and feature an American Beverage Association Networking Center. BI



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