As consumers purchase turkey, trimmings, desserts and beverages for their Thanksgiving meals, food and beverage retailers tend to see a bump in sales this time of year, according to Nielsen, New York.
In fact, Thanksgiving tends to be the biggest purchase occasion for whole turkeys, accounting for 77 percent of annual volume, and turkey pounds, accounting for 47 percent of annual volume and 28 percent of annual dollar sales, it reports. This time of year also tends to drive sales for fresh foods, including potatoes and onions; desserts like pumpkin and pecan pie; and beverages to pair with it all.
More specifically, Thanksgiving tends to show an uptick in wine consumption and sales, Nielsen reports. The most popular wine varietals for the holiday, Riesling and Pinot Noir, experience share increases by 30 percent and 20 percent, respectively, during Thanksgiving compared with the rest of the year, according to Nielsen’s retail management services ScanTrack data.
In fact, table wine is the preferred adult beverage at Thanksgiving, Nielsen says. According to a recent Nielsen study conducted by Harris Poll, more than 50 percent of Americans 21 and older say they are most likely to drink table wine at Thanksgiving, compared with the 26 percent who say they are most likely to beer and the 25 percent who say they are most likely to drink spirits.
Comparatively, 47 percent said they prefer to drink table wine at Christmas, and 53 percent say they prefer sparkling wine at New Year’s. However, beer gets its turn in the spotlight for the Super Bowl and the Fourth of July, it adds.